Saturday, 28 July 2012

i dont know what's gonna be the title for this post

I haven't blogged in such a long time. Today was really, really really reallyyyyyyy excruciatingly tiring-ly horribly terribly.........wait for Singapore's just too hot, y'know and then you get all that 'pressure' or whatever it's called, stored right there in your chest and then it goes up to your head and every other part of your body that has to do with or affect the moods. But i'm glad it's already evening and the night's hopefully gon' be colder for abit. Yesterday was just awesome, caught 'The Dark Knight Rises'. First part of it was just philosophical shizz and stuff that most people won't understand if they didn't watch the movies before this one, which i personally did, but forgot what happened. And Bane's voice was just, so hard to hear, and half the time i was reading the Chinese subs to understand.
hatever it is, the movie was awesome, and it just keeps you on the edge of your seat, and that quote 'A hero can be anyone. Even a man doing something as simple and reassuring as putting their coat around a young boy's shoulders to let him know the world hasn't ended.' struck me pretty much. good movie overall, on par with the Avengers in my opinion or maybe even better, go watch it guys! :)

I just thought i should share something too.
hings can get as nice and simple as talking about all kinds of stuff over a drink or a meal. that's if, if you want it to. because you control your life.'

People don't destroy you, you, and your mind, does that job. Keep hold of yourself during bad days, and be happy. Moreover, there's more things to look forward to than the number of things to be sad about, and each day only gets better with time. Chin up, homies. The thoughts and memories that haunt  or hurt you, don't belong in your mind in the first place.

'When you're feeling down, 97% of people ask for the sake of asking, 2% of them are curious, and 1% of them truly care. Don't bother.'


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