Monday, 5 March 2012

5th March 2012, G'day.

Wow, just wow. Time passed just really fast. It's been like 5-6 weeks that've gone by? :)
Well, went out with her, Roshan, Nusrah, Haziq, Faris and Jessica, to celebrate Roshan's birthday yesterday, although i wasn't really invited :X yea and we went on to the danceworks stuffz.
Met her at White Sands along with Faris. Pretty long wait, but i guess it didn't really matter.

Faris: 'eh look behind, is that her? that black spotted shirt girl?'
Me: 'where? where???'
Faris: 'aiya lets go'

Saw her, wow, really just, wow. My heart skipped a beat, like, two beats maybe, actually i don't know 'cause i don't count my heartbeat. With her eyeliner, /step emo/.

Took a train, down to Vivo, met Haziq at Bedok platform where he got on. Yea, and we met the rest. The two girls talked and talked, and we lost sight of them, but in the end they were at the toilet.

Went up, down, left, right around vivo, and got ourselves something to eat. Did i mention she punched my pelvic bone area, bloody hell HAHAHA. I think she punched me at alot of places alrd.
We went on to the fourth level where the 'water area(?)' was, and sat down, Faris and I soaked our feet in the water, while she was camwhoring with the other girls.
She joined me later on and the feeling's just, undescribable, esp. the time after that, walking and bus-ing, i just felt, so...happy. haven't felt that in a long while. oh well, sure was a fun day, and i hope she enjoyed it too :) sent her back, and yea, pretty much the end of the day :)

Signing off,
Anders. :)

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